BVI to Develop National Tourism Plan

  • Staff Consortium
  • February 27, 2020


TORTOLA, British Virgin Islands, CMC – The British Virgin Islands (BVI), will be development a National Tourism Plan in the near future.

This was disclosed by Premier and Minister with senior responsibility for Tourism Andrew Fahie  who was speaking in the House of Assembly earlier this week.

“There was a National Tourism Plan that should have been done and was not. So now we have given that back to the board to review it and speed it up so we can get a National Tourism Plan going with the infrastructure and the development of tourism.”

“Right now, it might look to our eyes that this needs to be done but when the research is done, it might show we need to invest in more in beaches, we need to invest more in other areas,” he further explained.

Fahie further said the lack of a National Tourism Plan is causing officials within the sector to work blindly.

“Right now we are shooting in the dark, we are doing things out of emotions,” he stated. “We are maintaining what we have, but to go to the next level we need a plan and that’s what we are trying to get done.”

He also told legislators that residents can expect public consultations on the National Tourism Plan in the near future.

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