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UVI Med...

UVI Medical Simulation Center Organizes Active Shooter Drill on St. Croix Campus

  • Staff Consortium
  • May 20, 2024

The University of the Virgin Islands Medical Simulation Center (UVI MSC) has announced a comprehensive Mass Casualty Exercise scheduled for Wednesday, May 22 at 2:30 p.m. on the Albert A. Sheen Campus. This drill is a collaborative effort involving Virgin Islands Fire and Emergency Medical Services (FEMS), the Virgin Islands Police Department (VIPD), and other local agencies. The exercise, taking place during National Emergency Medical Services Week, will simulate an active shooter scenario to enhance readiness and response capabilities. Attendees can expect to hear simulated gunfire as part of the drill, which will also feature VIPD officers acting as armed assailants to create a realistic emergency environment. Charlene Navarro RN, executive director of the UVI MSC, emphasized the importance of the exercise, stating, "This exercise is aimed at improving active shooter scenario preparedness for VI FEMS, students and staff on the UVI’s Sheen Campus, and the whole community. We are ...
