vi culture


Senate ...

Senate Committee Approves Bill to Honor Cultural Icon Willard John

  • Nelcia Charlemagne
  • July 01, 2024

On Friday, lawmakers on the Senate Committee on Government Operations Veterans Affairs and Consumer Protection voted in favor of honoring Willard John “for his many contributions to the youth and the culture of the Virgin Islands.” ‌Sponsored by Senator Marise James, Bill 35-0195 seeks to officially cement Mr. John’s legacy in the territory. However, as Senator James noted, “our children aren’t going to look at the bills and resolutions – right now they need to see it in books.” She made the comments after having attended a recent book launch by a Virgin Islands author, and advocated for more such projects telling the life stories of the territory’s heroes.‌ Aminah Saleem, one of the afternoon’s testifiers, called Mr. John not just a friend but “an honorary family member for over the last 30 years.” She described her late son as being one of the catalysts for Mr. John’s work bringing the culture of the moko jumbie to the children of the territory. Ms. Saleem described how her son and...
