The VI Montessori School and International Learning Academy has announced it will close its campus by the end of Friday and commence remote learning beginning March 30.

The move is the school's preemptive action against the coronavirus, which has spread around the world, infecting over 129,000 people and killing more than 4,900. The pathogen was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on Wednesday.
The decision to initiate remote learning extends the school's Spring break by one week (from March 16 through March 27) to allow the teaching staff to transition. "We highly discourage students from coming to school because the purpose of this action is to promote social distancing," the school said. However, for those who have extenuating circumstances and need to have a child on campus, the school said parents should make contact with Head of School Michael Born. "No child exhibiting illness is permitted on campus," VI Montessori said.
"Students will not return to the school campus until April 10 or possibly longer, depending on the scenario at that time. The combination of Spring break and remote learning provides a 14-day period of time for symptoms to become evident," the school said. "Time away from campus is meant to create social distancing."
The school also announced the requirement, effective immediately, of a self-quarantine of 14 days for anyone traveling before returning to school.
The school also canceled one of its events. "Our Taste the Nations event on March is cancelled. Online ticket purchases will be refunded. The students will instead perform at a school assembly on March 13th to complete the academic assignment for dance," the school said.
"As of today, End Sessions are still scheduled, however, the likelihood of traveling End Sessions being canceled is certainly real. We ask that families practice social distancing in as many areas as possible over the next few weeks, in the attempt to flatten the curve of the spread of the virus, and prevent overwhelming for our health and medical resources.
"Again, this is a very dynamic situation with no rulebook to follow. Any plans that are put in place are absolutely subject to change based on current information. Our intent is to be proactive and plan as best as our knowledge provides, but to be flexible enough to adapt to new information daily. We will do our very best to communicate with you often and thoroughly. As Head of School, I will be the definitive point of contact for information regarding VIMSIA’s actions relating to the pandemic.
"We acknowledge that these decisions will be inconvenient economically, socially and educationally, and we ask for your patience and understanding as we navigate during this difficult time for our school and indeed, our global community," the school said.