Head Start Virtual School Year Begins Sept. 14, D.H.S. Announces

  • Staff Consortium
  • September 05, 2020


The Head Start Program on Saturday announced that the 2020-2021 Head Start school year will begin virtually on September 14 "until it is determined that in-person instruction can safely resume."

To prepare for the launch of the virtual school year, Head Start staff will be contacting parents the week of September 7th for initial orientation and distribution of learning packets, according to the Dept. of Human Services.

For the entire month of September, the Head Start program will utilize its “Learning at Home” approach. The virtual, “Learning at Home” approach will involve the following:

  • Families will receive packages of developmentally appropriate activities and materials to work with young children at home.
  • Head Start teachers will contact families twice a week to provide guidance and support with the learning process.
  • Families with the required technology, will be able to access Head Start’s various learning platforms, including the High/Scope Preschool Curriculum, Hatch Early Learning and COR Advantage. (Please visit our website for details on these learning platforms: www.dhs.gov.vi)


In order to continue to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and to keep staff and families safe, the Head Start program has implemented the following mandatory guidelines for all facilities:

  1. Face coverings are required for all staff members, clients, and vendors entering Head Start buildings.
  2. Mandatory daily temperature screening for all staff members, clients, and vendors prior to entering the facility.
  3. Increased, routine cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces, toys, and common areas.
  4. Increased frequency of required handwashing.
  5. Individualized used of toys, materials, and supplies in our classrooms.
  6. Provision of Personal Protective Equipment for staff members.
  7. Replace the family style meals with individualized servings in classrooms.


Meal Distribution

Meal distribution for Head Start children will also begin on September 14, D.H.S. said. The distribution schedule will be as follows:

ST. THOMAS - Parents will pick up the packaged meals at their children at  Head Start Centers: (Savan, Bergs Home, Sugar Estate, Wilhelm George and Bovoni) from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


  • Children who attend the Concordia Head Start Center will pick up meals on site between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
  • Children who attend the Anna’s Hope Head Start Center and Richmond Head Start Center will pick up their packaged meals at the Anna’s Hope Head Start Center between 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
  • Children who attend the Frederiksted, Christiansted, and Kingshill Head Start Centers will pick up packaged meals at the curbside distribution spots.


See chart below:


DHS Head Start Registration

The DHS-Head Start Program registration process is on-going throughout the year.

Children must be three years old by December 31. Parents must bring the child's birth certificate and proof of income that shows the family meets the federal guideline for income eligibility.

Adults who are guardians must provide evidence of guardianship such as a court order.

Parents of children with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply for enrollment.

Contact Information and Registration Portal

To create an account through Head Start’s online portal (COPA) go here.

Questions for the Head Start office can be addressed at (340)773-1972 on St. Croix or (340)774-0930 ext. 4200 on St. Thomas.


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