The V.I. Department of Human Services has issued an urgent reminder to all SNAP/CASH program participants. The Division of Family Assistance, Certification Unit emphasizes the approaching deadline for recertification applications, periodic reports, and other necessary documents submission for the December 1st benefit issuance.

Key Information for SNAP/CASH Recipients:
- Review and Adhere to Due Dates: VIDHS stresses the importance of reviewing and adhering to the specified due dates on received documents. These dates are critical for the uninterrupted continuation of benefits.
- Consequences of Late Submission: Failure to submit required documents on time could lead to suspension of benefits and, in some cases, case closure, necessitating a reapplication process.
- Guidance for First-Time Applicants: New applicants must ensure the completion of application packets, inclusion of all mandatory document copies, and proper signing and dating of the application.
Contact Information and Submission Options:
- St. Croix Office: Contact at (340) 772-7100 Ext. 7159 or 7166. Documents can be submitted in person at 41-B Mars Hill, Frederiksted, VI 00820, via USPS, email at certoffice.stx@dhs.vi.gov, through the drop box, or by fax at (340) 772-9591.
- St. Thomas and St. John Offices: Contact at (340) 774-0930 Ext. 4303 or (340) 774-2399. Submissions can be made in person or via USPS at 1303 Hospital Ground, St. Thomas, VI 00802, email at certoffice.stt@dhs.vi.gov, drop boxes in St. Thomas and St. John, or by fax at (340) 777-5449.
Additional Resources for Clients:
Clients can check their EBT card balance by calling 1-866-884-2868 or by using the EBT App at www.fisglobal.com/ebtedgemobile.