How to Navigate the New VI Consortium Website

  • Ernice Gilbert
  • November 05, 2019

VI Consortium Front page

By now you've probably looked around our new website, three years in the making, a bit. Thank you for being here. 

When I set out to redesign VI Consortium, I took into consideration a number of suggestions that users had sent over the years, including the irritant of titles over pictures. 

The new site, however, is much bigger than the first one, with an all-new Caribbean site built within the VI Consortium experience. We hope you enjoy it.

Below, details on how to navigate the new website:


Readers being able to express their opinions is an important function of VI Consortium. On the old site, comments were under stories. On the new site, you will see a comments icon at the top right corner of each story. To comment, click on the icon and a page moves in. From there, you will be able to comment traditionally using the Disqus platform, or via our new, native commenting system.

Stories and placement

The new website makes it easy to navigate to any section. On the desktop version, you'll see a feature story in the center, this doubles as a live video streaming platform and recorded video viewer. Below the featured story placement are other regular stories. Two more featured stories area are on the left side of the website with a darker shade than the other stories. Regular stories are below the left-side featured items.

On mobile devices, the featured item is front and center as well. There, too, it doubles as a live video streaming platform and prerecorded video player. 

The center story on the desktop version is the main feature on the mobile site. The two other featured stories on the mobile version seen below the main feature, are the same two feature stories with the darker shade on the desktop version of the website. Immediately below are the regular stories. 

Top Stories, Politics 

Big stories and political news are found often on the Consortium. We've placed these two categories atop the site to the right corner on the desktop version so you don't miss a beat. On the mobile site, these categories are seen at the bottom of the site.

Caribbean Coverage 

A big part of the new VI Consortium is our expansion into the Caribbean. We're starting with five islands: Jamaica, the British Virgin Islands, Trinidad, Barbados and St. Lucia.

Each island has its own dedicated site within the new VI Consortium. Then there's a Caribbean site that includes news from the five islands and other Caribbean islands.

To navigate, click on Caribbean, then a drop-down menu produces the five islands and the Caribbean. Click on any island or the Caribbean and the site navigates to that section.

Obituary, Legal Notices, Real Estate 

VI Consortium now offers an easy way to post obituaries, legal notices and properties. It's an automated system that allows the user to place the content, pay a fee and submit. The submission then goes into review mode for our approval. Once approved, that content is posted. 


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