VI Economic Development Authority Announces Public Hearing

  • Staff VIC
  • May 22, 2023

In accordance with Section 717 Chapter 12 of Title 29, Virgin Islands Code, as amended, the Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority (VIEDA) has announced a public hearing for the V.I. Economic Development Commission. The hearing will take place at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, May 23, 2023.

Due to ongoing health precautions, this hearing will be virtually conducted via Zoom, a popular software-based platform for video and audio communications. Interested individuals are required to register in advance and can join the meeting through the following Zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting here.

On the agenda for the V.I. Economic Development Commission is a new application from WWTS LLC, which is based in St. Thomas.

Following the public hearing, a decision meeting will be held on matters for the V.I. Economic Development Commission and the VI Economic Development Authority. This meeting will also be conducted via Zoom. Attendees are advised that the VIEDA Board of Directors and its subsidiary Board(s) may go into executive session with respect to any decision at any time during the meetings as provided in 1 V.I.C. § 254.

For further information or queries, interested parties can reach out to the VIEDA at Tel. No.: 340-773-6499 on St. Croix or Tel. No.: 340-714-1700 on St. Thomas.

As public hearings and decision meetings are crucial parts of the decision-making process, all interested parties are encouraged to register and participate.


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