Notice to Creditors Filed for the Estate of Gloria T. Cruz

  • Staff Consortium
  • May 17, 2024

A Petition for Settlement Without Administration has been submitted to the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands for the settlement of the Estate of Gloria T. Cruz, according to a public notice issued on May 3, 2024.

The petition, filed under Title 15, V.I.C. § 191, calls for all persons with claims against the estate to present them, verified by affidavit. Additionally, those indebted to the estate are requested to make prompt payment to Guillermo Cruz, who is acting as the pro se petitioner.

Contact Information:

Guillermo Cruz
P.O. Box 1442
Vieques, PR 00765
(787) 532-2988

Creditors and debtors are urged to comply with this notice to ensure the timely settlement of the estate.

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