Watch: Hurricane Elsa Hits Barbados, St. Lucia

  • Staff Consortium
  • July 02, 2021

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Hurricane Elsa formed into a Category 1 hurricane just as it started punishing the Windward Islands with heavy rain and strong winds Friday morning. We have videos showing damage in St. Lucia and Barbados from what has proven to be a rather potent Cat. 1 storm.

Video 1: The Bocage Secondary School in St. Lucia damaged by Cat. 1 Hurricane Elsa. The storm is strengthening as it moves into the Caribbean Sea and near Hispaniola Sat. night and near Jamaica by Sunday, and western Cuba Sunday night/Monday morning, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Video 2: Barbados residents cleanup after Cat. 1 Hurricane Elsa’s destruction.  

Video 3: Hurricane Elsa brought strong winds and heavy rain to St. Lucia Friday. 






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