An emergency meeting of the V.I. of Elections on Thursday resulted in a decision to remove the names of candidates running for territorial offices from the ballots. Only candidates for public offices will remain.
The move came after a discussion in executive session, which was attended by board members and attorneys from the V.I. Department of Justice. This is in response to a ruling from the V.I. District Court at the beginning of the year that certain sections of the laws governing the conduct of elections in the territory were unconstitutional.
Further to that decision, it was announced that the casting of lots for public offices will occur next Tuesday, June 4, at 5:30 p.m.
During the portion of the meeting open to the public, the board discussed a request from the territory’s Democratic Party for assistance with their upcoming caucus, during which delegates will be elected to attend the 2024 Democratic National Convention. The party will also select their choice of presidential nominee at the June 8 caucus, with early voting taking place during the two days beforehand.

The Board of Elections was asked to provide voting screens and lockboxes to facilitate the collection and storage of ballots, as well as a voting registration drive on caucus day. Aside from one vote against the request, board members decided to fulfill the ask from the Democratic Party.