ST. THOMAS — The Humane Society of St. Thomas (HSST) has announced layoffs among its employees and volunteers, citing significant economic hardships faced by the shelter.
President Randolph Knight confirmed in a statement that the non-profit had to undertake a massive staff reduction after a thorough assessment of its financial viability.
According to Knight, the organization recently completed a cost-review exercise which determined that layoffs were unavoidable due to the shelter's current economic state. He noted that the HSST has struggled with the growing number of animals in their care, alongside a decrease in donations and funding. The reduction in staff is seen as a necessary step to sustain the shelter's day-to-day operations and ensure the continued care of the animals.
Knight expressed regret over the impact of this decision on the staff and their families, acknowledging the dedication and hard work of those affected. He assured that the laid-off employees would be guided through the transition and would receive COBRA information regarding their health insurance coverage. The president praised the continued efforts of the remaining staff and volunteers, stating the HSST will not cease its activities. He emphasized the shelter's commitment to securing additional funding and continuing to provide care for the rescued and surrendered animals.
Knight encouraged open communication and offered the contact information for any inquiries or concerns regarding the layoffs.

The Humane Society of St. Thomas is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and has been an active part of the community, dedicated to animal welfare.