Woman Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting Female Victim With Broken Bottle, Leaving Cut Wound on Her Mouth

  • Amanie Mathurin
  • April 22, 2022


ST. THOMAS — A woman has been arrested for allegedly attacking her friend with a glass bottle. 

The charges against Maxima Guzman stem from an incident that occurred at a bar on the night of March 13th. According to the probable cause fact sheet, the responding officer found the victim holding a shirt to her face covering a cut sustained to her mouth. At the time she was unable to provide a statement due to her injury. However, a witness told police that the victim was sitting at the bar when the suspect who they referred to as ‘Ms. Teresa’ came up to her and began repeatedly striking her to the head with a bottle. According to the witness, the woman tried to defend herself but the assailant continued to strike her until the bottle broke. The witness further told police that after breaking the bottle the attacker used it to cut the victim on her lip. Guzman reportedly left the scene before police arrived. 

According to police, the witness’s account was corroborated by several other individuals at the location. Police later made contact with the victim at the hospital and she reported that the attack was sudden and unprovoked. She further stated that she was confused as to why ‘Ms Teresa’ would assault her, as they are friends. 

The fact sheet states that Maxima Guzman presented herself at the Criminal Investigations Bureau on April 21st, in the company of her attorney Clive Rivers. She was arrested and charged with third-degree assault, disturbance of the peace by fighting and carrying or using a dangerous weapon. At the time of her arrest, bail was set at $25,000 and she was remanded to the Bureau of Corrections after being unable to post the sum. 

However, Guzman’s bail was lowered to $10,000 following a hearing on Friday. She will be released on the posting of 10 percent. While the matter remains pending, Guzman is strictly prohibited from having any form of contact with the alleged victim. She must maintain a minimum distance of 50 feet at all times.

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