V.I.P.D. Uncovers Extensive Marijuana Growing Operation Near Walter I.M. Hodge Pavilion Housing Community

  • Staff Consortium
  • May 16, 2020

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ST. CROIX — Virgin Islands Police Department officers on Wednesday uncovered a full-scale marijuana cultivation operation located in some thick bushes adjacent to the Walter I.M. Hodge Pavilion housing community.

Authorities confiscated about 600 marijuana plants that varied in size. There also were pots, potting soil and several solar panel lights used as part of the fertilization process.

Another eradication operation was also implemented in the Williams Delight Housing Community where over 60 marijuana plants were confiscated from three different locations.

If you have information about these illegal marijuana cultivation sites, you are urged to call 911, the Crime TipLine at (340) 778-4950, or Crime Stoppers USVI at (800) 222-TIPS.

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