V.I. Attorney General Opposes Epstein Estate Demand for Broad Release of Parties Involved in Victim Abuse

  • Robert Moore
  • April 08, 2020

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Little St. James Island, part of the Epstein Estate off the coast of St. Thomas

V.I. Attorney General Denise George said she continues to oppose the Jeffrey Elstein Estate demands that  victims of the dead pedophile sign release forms to protect other individuals who sexually abused them along with Epstein.  

Victims would have to sign these releases in order to stake a claim on funds from the $600 million Estate, according to a release the V.I. D.O.J. issued Tuesday. 

“With this demand still in place, the Fund cannot ensure a fundamentally fair and legally sufficient process for victims who choose to participate,” Ms. George said.

The attorney general said the release documents would not affect the government’s lawsuit, but would amount to a misuse of probate funds and an abuse of the probate process.

The V.I. D.O.J. filed a civil enforcement action under the Virgin Islands Criminally Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act against the Epstein Estate and six other related companies based in the Virgin Islands in January.

Prior to the government’s lawsuit, the Estate filed a motion with the probate court in the Virgin Islands to seek approval for a claims fund to provide an alternative resolution process for numerous victims who filed claims against the Estate. 

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