Texas Man Charged with Multiple Domestic Violence Offenses After Allegedly Strangling Girlfriend Twice in One Day at Hotel

  • Janeka Simon
  • February 21, 2023


ST. CROIX — A Texas man on vacation with his girlfriend is now facing domestic violence charges after she says he assaulted her in their hotel room. 

When police arrived at the Carambola Beach Resort at about 11:17 pm on Saturday February 18th, they met a woman who told them that she had been sleeping that morning when some time after 7 am her boyfriend John Aschenbeck suddenly “got on top of her, put one hand around her neck, and began strangling her.”

Aschenbeck reportedly accompanied his assault with a torrent of verbal abuse, accusing the woman of having an affair with the boyfriend of a family member. The woman said her boyfriend continued to obstruct her airflow as she tried unsuccessfully to break free by “pinching his genitals.” She says she eventually acquiesced to her boyfriend’s demands that she repudiate her alleged lover, so as to end his attack on her. She told police that she spent the rest of the day “frightened and upset. 

That night, around 10:00 pm, the woman said Aschenbeck attacked her again. She was in the bathroom, standing near the toilet bowl, when her boyfriend allegedly cornered her, grabbed her by the neck and began to strangle her again, using his other hand to cover her nose and mouth. This time, he was allegedly exhorting her to tell him “we’re getting married,” and that she was going to be his wife.

The woman says she screamed for help but again complied with Aschenback’s demands, whereupon he reportedly released her and she informed him that their relationship was over, leaving the room to seek assistance. 

A couple in another hotel room told police that they were in bed when they heard screaming coming from an upper floor. They opened their door to find Aschenback’s girlfriend running downstairs in obvious distress. They said they ushered her into their room, and afterwards heard Aschenback knocking on the door begging to see the woman. They opened the door to tell him to stop, but he allegedly tried forcing his way inside by putting his hand between the door and the frame. The door was shut against Aschenback, and hotel security was called to restrain him. 

Police noted an abrasion and a bruise on the woman’s chest, red discoloration to her cheeks and nose, and multiple bruises on her right shoulder and forearm.

Ascheback declined to give a statement to police, and was arrested and charged with second-degree assault as an act of domestic violence, simple assault and battery, and disturbance of the peace by threats as an act of domestic violence.

In court on Monday, it was discovered that Aschenback and his girlfriend lived at the same address in Texas, in a property that is allegedly owned by the woman. As such, the presiding judge ruled that Aschenback would have to stay in the territory until an alternative address could be provided in his home state. He was assessed bail in the sum of $1000 in cash, and if released must stay at a different hotel until he is able to travel back to Texas. The judge warned that the restrictions on his movements, including maintaining a minimum distance of 1000 ft from the woman at all times, will remain in place even in Texas — any violations of the orders in place would result in immediate extradition back to the Virgin Islands.

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