Police Investigating Animal Abuse Incident After Dog Was Shot, Causing Paralysis

  • Staff Consortium
  • May 02, 2020

Photo of dog injured by pellet gun By. VIPD

ST. CROIX - A dog had to be euthanized on Wednesday after it was shot twice with a pellet gun, causing injury to its spine, V.I.P.D. Public Information Officer Toby Derima has announced.

According to Mr. Derima, the dog was transported to the St. Croix Animal Welfare Center for treatment. The medical evaluation revealed the dog sustained two pellet gunshot wounds to the body. One of the gunshot wounds impacted the dog’s spine causing paralysis. Due to the severe injuries, the dog was humanely euthanized.

If you have a problem with any animal in your neighborhood, shooting or poisoning the animal is not the solution. It is cruel and is against the law, the VIPD warned. Pellet projectiles can be as dangerous and deadly as bullets.

This case, classified as first-degree animal abuse, is under investigation. If you have any information regarding this case, please call 911, the VIPD Animal Cruelty Investigator at (340) 778-2211 extension 6097, or you can submit an anonymous tip to Crime Stoppers USVI at (800) 222-TIPS.

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