Man Allegedly Stalked, Harassed and Fired Shots at Ex-Girlfriend's Vehicle After She Left Him

  • Staff Consortium
  • December 30, 2022


ST. THOMAS — A man whose girlfriend ended their relationship has been charged for allegedly harassing the woman and firing gunshots at her vehicle, the V.I. Police Department reported late Thursday.

The suspect, 40-year-old Curtis Petersen, also showed up to the woman's minor child's workout sessions to harass her, the V.I.P.D. said.

Petersen was arrested on Thursday at about 3:22 p.m. and charged with destruction of property, illegal discharge of a firearm, and harassment.

The ex-girlfriend told police that on multiple occasions Petersen has followed her, appeared to her residence, her place of business and at her minor child’s sport workout classes.

Following several instances of harassment, the woman said she decided to file a police report. After filing the report, she said her vehicle was shot at with a high-powered rifle.

The V.I.P.D. said an investigation revealed that Petersen was seen on several video recordings following and harassing his ex-girlfriend. The investigation further revealed that a vehicle registered to Petersen fitting the description with distinguishing marks was seen firing shots in the area of his ex-girlfriend’s driveway when her vehicle was shot at.

Petersen turned himself in Thursday at approximately 3:20 p.m. and was placed under arrest. He was held in custody pending his advisement hearing scheduled for today.

The V.I.P.D. is asking anyone with information about this incident to contact the Criminal Investigation Bureau at 340-774-2211 ex. 5535. You may also contact 911, Crime Stoppers USVI here, the Chief's Office at 340-715-5548, or the Commissioner’s Office at 340-715-5506.

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