Former Employee Arrested for Allegedly Altering Check to Receive Over $5,000

Salem, who allegedly altered a company check to receive over $5,000, has been charged with forgery, obtaining money by false pretenses, and passing forged bills or notes

  • Staff Consortium
  • July 25, 2024


ST. THOMAS — A former employee of St. Thomas Cargo and Ship Services is facing serious charges after an investigation revealed a scheme involving the alteration of a company check.

According to the VIPD, on May 24, 2024, the Economic Crime Unit initiated an inquiry into a forgery complaint, uncovering fraudulent activities that led to the arrest of Makram Salem.

According to the investigation, Salem initially received a check from St. Thomas Cargo and Ship Services for slightly over six hundred dollars. He then altered the check, which resulted in him receiving over five thousand dollars upon depositing it into his account.

Following the thorough investigation, authorities secured an arrest warrant for Salem. He was apprehended at his residence at #38 First Avenue, Kings Quarter, St. Thomas, and transported to the Richard N. Callwood Command. Salem was charged with two counts of forgery, obtaining money by false pretenses, and passing forged bills or notes.

According to the court docket, bail of $20,000 was posted. Salem is scheduled to appear for an Advise of Rights hearing on Thursday, July 25, 2024, at the Superior Court.

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