VIPD officers and local multi-agency officers participate in the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) Use of Force Instructor Training Class, being held between Aug. 22-Sept. 2. Photo Credit: THE VIRGIN ISLANDS POLICE DEPARTMENT
The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) is hosting a two-week use-of-force instructor training event through the V.I. Police Department's Training Bureau.

The training, being held at the UVI Sports & Fitness Center, started on August 22 and ends on September 2. VIPD officers along with local multi-agency law enforcement officers are also attending the training.
According to the police department, the two-week event is the first time the training is being held in the U.S Virgin Islands.
"This training on Use of Force will seek to help broaden our scope as it relates to use of force, as this is a major consent decree concern; reporting, investigating, and dealing with use of force holistically," said V.I.P.D. Commissioner Ray Martinez, who is also a graduate of the FLETC program.
During the training, officers will be provided with the foundational information and skills necessary for them to design, develop, deliver, and evaluate others making critical decisions related to the use of force, the V.I.P.D. said. Basic use of force concepts, legal understanding, mental preparation, and human performance considerations are discussed. In addition, documenting use of force incidents and testifying in relation to the use of force will also be provided.
The Use of Force Instructor Training Program is designed to give the instructor the skills necessary to teach others how to make objectively reasonable force choices and be able to explain the reasons for their decisions, the department said.

The VIPD said it is highly dedicated in making sure that training such as this remains a top priority for the department.