Former BVI Premier Andrew Fahie
In a recent judicial development, the guilty verdict against former British Virgin Islands Premier Andrew Fahie for drug and money-laundering conspiracies has been upheld by the court. This decision follows a period of uncertainty stemming from the actions of two jurors who initially convicted Fahie but later exhibited signs of second-guessing their verdict.
The issue came to light last month when it was revealed that these two jurors had made highly irregular attempts to initiate discussions about their decision with both court officials and the defense counsel. In response to these unusual events, Judge Kathleen Williams convened a hearing to address the jurors' concerns and clarify their positions.
At the hearing, which took place on Thursday, only one of the two jurors appeared. This juror affirmed, in response to Judge Williams' questioning, that her decision to convict Fahie had been made freely and of her own volition.
The second juror, despite being subpoenaed, failed to attend the hearing. Judge Williams, opting for leniency, decided against issuing a bench warrant for his appearance, stating that she would let the matter rest.
Based on the testimony of the juror who attended, Judge Williams concluded that the guilty verdicts against Mr. Fahie were reached independently and without undue influence. As a result, Fahie's convictions will remain in place.
Andrew Fahie is scheduled to be sentenced on April 29, barring any further developments that might affect the court's ability to proceed with the sentencing hearing. In related proceedings, Fahie's co-conspirator, Oleanvine Maynard, awaits her sentencing on March 28. Her sentencing was postponed to ensure her availability to provide testimony against Fahie during his trial.

In addition, Kadeem Maynard, another individual implicated in the conspiracy, is currently serving an almost five-year prison sentence for his involvement in the scheme.