63 New Covid-19 Cases Reported Thursday, With St. Thomas Accounting for 50 of Total Infections

  • Staff Consortium
  • August 21, 2020


The Department of Health reported a sharp surge in the number of Covid-19 infections Thursday, announcing 63 new infections territory-wide, with 50 on St. Thomas, 11 on St. Croix and 2 on St. John.

Thursday's report matches the August 11 total, though St. Thomas had seen an even greater portion of infections at 57. The announcement comes a day after D.O.H. reported the 10th Covid-19 death in the territory, a centenarian who died at the age of 101 at the Schneider Regional Medical Center. The elderly woman was a resident of the Queen Louise Home for the Aged in St. Thomas.

St. Thomas's 50 cases saw 11 being transmitted through community spread, 25 through close contact, and 14 cases were under investigation. St. Croix numbers, which included previous cases that were under investigation and therefore does not match the total cases territory-wide, saw 12 close contact transmissions and 2 community spread. One of the two cases on St. John was transmitted through community spread, while the other was under investigation as of Thursday.

The health department said it was tracking 273 active cases as of Thursday: 7 on St. John, 57 on St. Croix and 209 on St. Thomas.

To date, 13,915 people have been tested for Covid-19, with 12,895 returning negative and 932 positive.

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