Water Service Interruption Scheduled for St. Croix Communities Due to Critical Maintenance Work

WAPA has scheduled a six-hour water outage affecting multiple St. Croix communities on October 24, starting at 5:00 p.m., to complete critical maintenance work. Residents are advised to flush water lines afterward to ensure continued water quality

  • Staff Consortium
  • October 24, 2024

The V.I. Water and Power Authority has announced a scheduled water outage that will affect several communities across St. Croix on Thursday, October 24. The interruption, starting at 5:00 p.m., is expected to last approximately six hours as maintenance crews conduct essential tie-in work near the V.I. Territorial Public Health Laboratory and the Office of EMS Regulatory in Estate Richmond.

Residents in the following areas will experience low to no water pressure during the outage: Richmond, Catherine’s Rest, Work and Rest, Aldersville, Peter’s Rest, Humbug, Tamarind, Sion Farm, Anna’s Hope, Castle Coakley, Estate Pearl, Barren Spot, Strawberry Hill, Ginger Thomas, Sugar Mills Villas, Juan F. Luis Hospital and Medical Center, Estate Glynn, Mon Bijou, Colquohoun, Grove Place, Paradise, Louis Brown Villas, Adventure Hills, Paradise Mills, Mt. Pleasant, and Estate St. Georges.

The maintenance work, aimed at completing two critical tie-ins, is being carried out in partnership with a contractor to ensure the project is finished efficiently and with minimal disruption. WAPA expressed its commitment to reducing the inconvenience to residents while carrying out the necessary upgrades to the water infrastructure.

Following the scheduled outage, residents are advised to flush their water lines by running taps for several minutes. This process helps clear any sediment that may have accumulated in the pipes, ensuring the continued quality of water. For those using water filters, it is recommended to remove the filter before flushing the lines and reinstall it afterward to prolong the filter’s life.

WAPA has assured customers that all efforts will be made to complete the work within the projected time frame and to restore normal water service as quickly as possible.

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