VIPD Confiscates AR-15 Ghost Rifle and 26 Handguns, Urges Caution Amid St. Croix Burglaries

As part of the “Set De Tone” operation, VIPD has confiscated 26 handguns and one unlicensed AR-15, while cautioning residents about burglaries occurring during home occupancy. Police urge residents to call 911 discreetly and take safety precautions

  • Janeka Simon
  • January 13, 2025

The VIPD confiscated 26 handguns and one unlicensed AR-15 ghost as part of its recent "Set De Tone" operation. Photo Credit: VIPD

ST. CROIX — On Saturday, senior officials of the Virgin Islands Police Department provided an update on the “Set De Tone” operation on St. Croix that began last November.

Since then, police “were successful in removing 26 handguns and one unlicensed AR-15 ghost rifle off our streets,” said acting Chief Uston Cornelius. He urged St. Croix residents to continue to call Crime Stoppers with tips and complaints, and advised people to utilize the direct number for the 911 Emergency Center on St. Croix – 772-9111 – to save time, instead of having to be redirected from St. Thomas when calling 911 directly.

Meanwhile, acting Deputy Chief for St. Croix Naomi Joseph cautioned members of the public about a series of burglaries that have occurred while residents are in their homes. “We just want you to be aware that this is occurring so that you can take the necessary precaution to protect you and your belongings,” Ms. Joseph noted. She advised those who may find themselves in such a situation to “get out. Get 911 on the line, call the police so we can get there as soon as possible. The quieter you do it, the sooner we get there without them knowing…that means we can catch them,” said the deputy chief.

Ms. Joseph suggested that residents consider getting a dog for the household, as they are “the best alarm you could buy.” Overall, St. Croix residents must “do what you need to do to protect yourself and your family.”

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