V.I. Energy Office Plans to Use $2.6 Million Grant to Expand Access to EVs and Battery Storage

  • Staff Consortium
  • April 15, 2023


The V.I. Energy Office announced this week that it has been granted $2.6 million under the Biden administration’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to increase community access to residential battery storage, electric vehicles (EVs), and energy sector workforce development.

The grant represents a 10-fold increase in the State Energy Program’s annual formula budget, which enables greater flexibility for innovation to be incorporated into the VIEO's energy projects in the region.

With a portion of the funds, the Energy Office said it plans to provide rebates that significantly reduce the upfront costs for consumers interested in installing home battery systems and purchasing EVs.

The grant is part of the tens of millions of dollars Energy Office is set to receive and administer through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act . According to the release, the Energy Office's goal is to fully realize the benefits of this once-in-a-generation federal funding opportunity.

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