The Market St. Croix, formerly Plaza Extra West.
The Market St. Croix and the Hamed Family have pledged to match $10,000 in donations towards Christmas fundraiser benefitting Queen Louise Home for Children, the nonprofit organization providing residential foster care for USVI children announced Wednesday.

According to the release, the Hamed family has donated funds to support the Queen Louise Home for Children for the past four years. It started with the Christmas Tree Sales, which generally took place in December. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the sales were postponed and replaced with the Market’s challenge to the community to match funds raised for Queen Louise Home during the month of December.
“We see the needs in our community, especially for the neediest among us. We look for ways to give back in any way we can. Queen Louise Home for Children gives a chance and shelter to hurting children and there is no better way to support our community than to lend our support,” said Shawn Hamed.
Christmas donations to Queen Louise Home received through the entire month of December will count towards the challenge and will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $10,000, by The Market St. Croix. Gifts can be made online at lssvi.org/Christmas giving or call 340-772-4099.
“The commitment by the Market to the wellbeing of children in the Virgin Islands who are abused, abandoned and neglected speaks to the specialness of this season of hope. It is an opportunity for us to be grounded in the meaning of Christ’s birth and the birth of new possibilities for the most vulnerable in our community,” Said Junia John-Straker, CEO of Lutheran Social Services of the VI.

Queen Louise Home for Children is a 24-hour residential foster care for children in the Virgin Islands, and contributions fund the costs of operating the program 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Children first come to Queen Louise Home through the VI Department of Human Services as a result of abuse, neglect, and/or displacement, or for respite care when needed. The program is a part of Lutheran Social Services of the Virgin Islands —the largest private child and family services agency in the US Virgin Islands.