Woman with muscular dystrophy Photo Credit: GETTY IMAGES
The Governor’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Office, in collaboration with the USVI Disability Network Partners and numerous public and private agencies, is hosting the “All Things ADA Expo” for seniors and individuals with disabilities across the territory.
The first expo event will take place on Tuesday, July 9th, at the Elridge W. Blake Sports & Fitness Center on the University of the Virgin Islands' Orville E. Kean campus, serving the St. Thomas and St. John communities. The second event will be held on Tuesday, July 16th, at the gymnasium of the St. Croix Educational Complex High School campus. Each event will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., with sign-in and limited registration starting at 9:30 a.m.
The expo, which has expanded annually since its inception in 2020, aims to highlight local health and disaster preparedness efforts by partnering agencies. These agencies will provide critical information for the upcoming disaster-prone months, including the contents of “go bags,” registration for free services such as VI Alerts, WAPA alerts, and VITRAN paratransit services.
Additionally, a variety of health screenings, vaccinations, and related education will be available, along with procedures for securing and storing medication and equipment before, during, and after disasters. The event will also feature various presentations, panels, and Q&A sessions on topics such as assistive devices, fraud awareness, housing assistance, banking and financial assistance, legal services, and employment. Disaster and other preparedness resources will be distributed, and refreshments and lunch will be provided.
“With our fourth go-round of catering exclusively to our territory’s underserved population aligning with the 34th anniversary of the ADA this month, I really wanted to expand the parameters of this event to capture the most sought-after aspects relevant to our differently-abled community,” said Territorial ADA Coordinator Julien Henley, Sr. “While disaster preparedness and healthcare remain at the forefront, this will be our biggest expo yet. We will be celebrating the wave of accomplishments in awareness, resources, social support, and infrastructure as we prepare vulnerable households for this year’s unprecedented hurricane season.”
Key Disability Network Partners participating in the expo include the Disability Rights Center of the VI, VI Association for Independent Living, VI University Center of Excellence for Developmental Disabilities (VIUCEDD), Department of Human Services’ Disabilities & Rehabilitation Services, and the VI Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advocates. Other organizations involved in the event include the Department of Health’s Public Health Preparedness, the American Red Cross of the Virgin Islands, and FEMA.
The event is sponsored by Viya and WTJX and will feature presentations by VITEMA, AARP Virgin Islands, FirstBank, VI Housing Authority, VI Housing Finance Authority, and the Department of Labor. Various divisions within the Department of Health will also participate, including Behavioral Health, Communicable Diseases, Community Health Services, Chronic Disease and Prevention, Epidemiology, Family Planning, Infants and Toddlers Program, Office of Emergency Medical Services Regulatory, and Women, Infants, and Children Program.
The Department of Human Services will be represented by divisions such as Family Assistance, Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Medicaid Unit. Other participating entities include the Department of Public Works, Virgin Islands Transit (VITRAN), Heavenly Home Sweet Home, Inc., Legal Services of the Virgin Islands, Inc., Salvage Life/AdaptVI, Schneider Regional Medical Center, St. Thomas East End Medical Center Corporation, Ticket to Work – AMSI, Tropical Health, LLC, VI Fire Emergency & Medical Services, VI Housing Authority, VI Housing Finance Authority, VI Supported Employment Specialists Island Therapy Solutions, Virgin Islands Justice Initiative, VI Water and Power Authority, Family Resource Center, and others.

To register for the event, visit www.vi.gov/ada. For registration assistance or more information, call (340) 473-1848 or email [email protected]. Those unable to attend in person can watch the livestream at facebook.com/GovernmentHouseUSVI.