St. Croix Poet Lobbies, in Verse, For His Choice of National Dish

  • Staff Consortium
  • June 25, 2023

Fish and Fungi is one of the most popular dishes in the U.S. Virgin Islands. By. V.I. DEPT. OF TOURISM

The national dish discourse has been reignited since news of Senator Angel Bolques Jr.'s efforts to mandate a territorial survey on the subject began to circulate. Consortium readers passionately discussed the topic on our digital platforms, while one individual was so moved by the idea that he put pen to digital paper to write an ode to his preferred candidate.

Born in Spanish Town, Jamaica, Winston Nugent was raised on the island of St. Croix. The recipient of the first Poetry prize from the College of the Virgin Islands, the writer has published a number of poetic chapbooks and short story. 

Mr. Nugent hopes that his ode to this traditional dish might convince others to vote his way when the Department of Tourism's survey is deployed. His poem celebrating fish and Fungi is reproduced below:



(This is a pitch in support for making Fish and Fungi VI National Dish.)

In the islands where the turquoise waves collide,

A dish of legend, with flavors worldwide,

Where the ocean's bounty and heritage combine,

Let me sing the praises of Fish and Fungi divine.


From coral reefs, where vibrant colors play,

Comes the catch of the day, a gift from the bay,

Majestic snapper, or old wife so fine,

Whisper tales of the ocean on each tender line.


Marinated in spices, kissed by island fire,

The fish dances in the pot, its flavors aspire,

To capture the essence of the tropical sea,

Infused with love and island harmony.


But what of Fungi, the partner so dear?

A humble companion, often held near,

A gift from Africa, where history was sown,

A testament to resilience and roots deeply known.


Cornmeal and okra, in a delicate blend,

Simmered with passion, tradition on the mend,

Transformed into a golden ball, tender and light,

A perfect accompaniment to the fish's delight.


Together they unite, on a plate so divine,

Fish and Fungi, a duet that intertwines,

The succulent sea meets the land's rustic fare,

A feast for the senses, beyond compare.


So, raise your fork, and take a savory bite,

Let the flavors transport you, like a magical flight,

In the Virgin Islands, where Tim Duncan was born,


Fish and Fungi, a treasure forever sworn.


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