Over 400 Virgin Islands Job Seekers Served by VIDOL Career Fairs, Department Says

  • Staff Consortium
  • February 01, 2023

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0 Photo Credit: GETTY IMAGES

A series of career fairs run by the Department of Labor has served almost 400 job seekers from November 2022 through January 2023. 

A press release from the department said that over 60 employers offering job opportunities in various fields also participated, networking with prospective applicants. 

Lyle Gumbs, sales and marketing coordinator for Dish Network, called his company's participation in the labor department's career fair a "mutually beneficial relationship."

Apart from VIDOL'S Workforce Development Team, led by Director Charlene Hodge, the department's career fairs are presented with the support of other government agencies such as the Department of Education, and the Department of Sports Parks and Recreation, according to the release.

Representatives from the Legislature also played a key role in the success of the events, as did members of the private sector.

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