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The V.I. Office of Management & Budget is informing the public that distribution of Social Security Beneficiary Stipend checks will be conducted on St. Thomas and St. Croix, Wednesday, November 9 and Thursday, November 10, from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

According to OMB Director Jenifer O'Neal, distribution on St. Thomas will be conducted at the Schneider Regional Medical Center's front parking lot. On St. Croix, distribution will take place at the parking lot of the former “VIYA Building” in Estate Diamond.
On St. John, checks can be picked up from the Administrator’s Office beginning on Monday, November 7, OMB said.
Recipients are required to present a valid picture I.D. to receive the stipend.
Should you have any questions, contact OMB’s main office on St. Thomas at (340) 774- 0750.

Visit the agency’s website at https://omb.vi.gov for updates.