Miss St. Croix Educational Complex 2023-2024, Nayelis St. Omer.
In a significant effort to promote menstrual equity and support student well-being, Miss St. Croix Educational Complex 2023-2024, Nayelis St. Omer, has successfully led an initiative to install free menstrual pad dispensers at the St. Croix Educational Complex High School.
The project, spearheaded by Nayelis, reflects her dedication to addressing the need for menstrual hygiene products. Recognizing that periods should not hinder a student’s ability to attend school or participate fully in their education, Nayelis worked to sponsor and secure the dispensers, which are now accessible to all students at no cost.
“Menstrual hygiene is not a luxury, it’s a necessity,” said Nayelis. “These dispensers are here to provide free and easy access to pads so no student ever has to feel ashamed, uncomfortable, or unprepared at school. This is about empowering young women and breaking down the stigma surrounding menstruation.”
The first of four dispensers that were installed on Friday by Tyrone Davis and Nayelis St. Omer with assistance of her mom Kristi Krieger. (Credit: Kristi Krieger)
The four dispensers, installed last Friday with the help of maintenance crew members Tyrone Davis and Iman Dasouza, aim to support students who may otherwise face challenges accessing these essential products.
The initiative has been warmly received by the school administration and students. Assistant Principal Ms. George commended Nayelis for her efforts, saying, “You should feel accomplished because you followed through with your plan.”
Nayelis expressed gratitude to the community for supporting her vision and emphasized that this project is only the beginning of her journey to advocate for positive change. She hopes this initiative will inspire others in the community to support efforts that empower young women and promote equality.
She reminded students to take good care of the dispensers, which represent more than just a practical solution. They are a powerful symbol of dignity, access, and equality, and an important step toward fostering a supportive school environment.
The project aligns with global efforts to promote menstrual equity, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that students can focus on their education without unnecessary barriers.