DLCA Announces Temporary Hold on Issuance of Licenses for Marriage and Family Therapists, Substance Abuse Counselors, and Professional Counselors

  • Staff Consortium
  • September 22, 2021

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The V.I. Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs and the V.I. Board of Licensed Counselors and Examiners announced Tuesday a temporary hold on the processing of applications and issuing of new counseling-related licensing through January 2022.

The temporary hold is to allow for the structuring of policies and procedures that are paramount to the fulfillment of the Board's duty to serve the community, according to Board Chair Dr. Vincentia Paul-Constantin. Current active licenses will not be affected and will remain active. However, applications that are in process of review will be placed on hold.

The license suspension is for the following counseling professions the board regulates under Chapter 4A of  27VIC §203: 

  •                 Licensed Substance Abuse Counselors;
  •                 Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists; and
  •                 Licensed Professional Counselors.


The board said it will resume its normal duties, including the processing of new and in-process applications as well as issuing of new licenses, in January 2022. 

The board further stated that it appreciates the community's understanding as it works to ensure the procedures are aligned with their mission to regulate the practice of counseling in the territory to protect public safety, and ensure the delivery of ethically sound behavioral health services to residents, according to the release.

For more information, contact the Office of Boards and Commissions at 340-713-3522, ext. 3251.



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