Dept. of Education Announces Early Dismissal of Schools Due to Gaseous Odor Affecting Campus Air Quality; Limetree Says It's Conducting Coker Maintenance

  • Staff Consortium
  • May 06, 2021

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Aerial shot of the St. Croix Educational Complex High School, location of the St. Croix Career and Technical Education Center. Photo Credit: THE VIRGIN ISLANDS CONSORTIUM

ST. CROIX — The V.I. Dept. of Education announced Thursday early dismissal of three St. Croix District schools due to a gaseous odor affecting the air quality on the campuses. 

Schools impacted included Eulalie R. Rivera K-8, Arthur A. Richards K-8, and the St. Croix Career and Technical Education Center, D.O.E. said. Students engaged in in-person learning at the schools reverted to virtual learning for the remainder of the day, the department said.

The matter is under investigation by the Department of Planning and Natural Resources. 

D.O.E. said it will provide an update on the status of the schools for in-person learning on May 7.

Limetree Bay issued a statement Thursday following the school dismissals. “Limetree Bay has become aware of an odor affecting areas west of the facility," said the company. "We are conducting maintenance activity at the Coker unit, which has resulted in light hydrocarbon odors.  We will continue to monitor the situation, but there is the potential for additional odors while maintenance continues.  We apologize for any impact this may have caused the community.  Thank you.” 

D.O.E. had to dismiss in-person learning on April 23 for the St. Croix Career & Technical Education Center, Arthur A. Richards K-8 School and Eulalie R. Rivera K-8 School "due to a noxious order affecting the air quality on the campuses."


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