The Clifton Hill Connector Road Project. Photo Credit: V.I. DEPARTENT OF PUBLIC WORKS.
ST. CROIX — The V.I. Department of Public Works has provided an update on the ongoing Clifton Hill Connector Road Project, announcing that final construction phases are underway, with the road expected to reopen to thru traffic by April 2025.

Starting next week, DPW’s contractor, Grace Civil, LLC, will focus on installing curbs and completing drainage improvements on the northern end of the roadway near the Queen Mary intersection, DPW made known via press release.
As part of the infrastructure improvements, utility relocation and streetlight repairs are approximately 80% complete. The contractor anticipates receiving 100 new streetlight poles, with installation scheduled to be completed in the coming weeks.
During the final construction phase, flaggers will be present on-site to assist motorists traveling through the work zones. The Department of Public Works is advising travelers—particularly those heading to the airport—to allow extra time for possible delays due to ongoing construction activity.

The Department of Public Works expressed gratitude for the community’s patience and cooperation as they work to enhance road conditions across the territory.