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Six countries in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean continue their partnership with the United States in trying to fight crime in general, and in Trinidad & Tobago, human trafficking more specifically.

The CariSecure program is supported by the U.S. Embassy, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Eastern & Southern Caribbean Division, and the United Nations Development Program, the UNDP.
CariSecure is aimed at building data collection and analysis capacity to cultivate evidence-based policies and programs targeting factors that promote youth violence, crime, and victimization.
The focus for the $13 million program in Trinidad & Tobago will be on mitigating human trafficking by reinforcing the government's ability to identify, screen, investigate and effectively prosecute such cases.
The country's national security Minister Fitzgeral Hinds participated in a signing ceremony at the beginning of the month, ,and called the initiative timely, since Trinidad is struggling to manage a recent uptick in Venezuelan migrants seeking refuge from inhospitable conditions in their home country.
Congruently to the implementation of the CariSecure project, Mr. Hinds announced that a National Plan of Action against human trafficking has officially been drafted and signed and will be presented before cabinet on Thursday.

At the CariSecure ceremony, U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Shante Moore called the program part of the "obligation" of the two governments - United States & Trinidad & Tobago, to work together to tackle some of the most pressing problems of their respective populations.