UVI’s Caribbean Green Technology Director Part of Coalition That Submitted Climate Change Recommendations to Biden Administration

  • Kyle Murphy
  • February 03, 2021


Resilience 21 (R21), a coalition of practitioners from across the US working to safeguard communities from risks from a changing climate, submitted 10 federal recommendations to the Biden Administration that they suggest be implemented in the first 100 days. Gregory Guannel, Caribbean Green Technology Director at the University of the Virgin Islands, was in this coalition that helped create this list of recommendations.

An R21 Press Release said “The 100-day action plan for the new administration lays out steps for shifting from crisis response to proactive planning that can at once address the social, economic and environmental challenges facing the nation in the years ahead.” 

“This exciting agenda offers a pathway to leverage the energy required to address the climate crisis to rethink how we can continue to grow and ensure the well-being of our  diverse communities, and especially those who suffered most from the direct and indirect  impacts of the 20th century carbon-based model,” Mr. Guannel said in the organization's press release. 

The release said that in 2020 there were 22 disaster related events totaling $1 Billion in losses. The previous high for disaster events were 16 in both 2011 and 2017. 

“Taking a resilience approach to planning and development is the most effective way forward,”  R21 Co-Facilitator, Marissa Aho, Chief  Resilience Officer for the City of Houston said in the same release.  

“We are enthused with the direction and focus of this new Administration on solving the  climate crisis. It’s time to listen to cities and communities across the country in order to  identify appropriate actions for building resilience.” said Nikki PIeratos from NDNFund, R21 agenda contributor in the press release. 


The Press Release stated that the 10 recommended actions were: 


1. Create leadership positions and establish the organizational structure necessary to  advance change throughout the federal government. 


2. Establish a National Resilience Task Force to bring a community of experts into the process of designing and vetting programs, policies, and top-level issues focused on  an equity-centered approach to addressing climate risk and multi-hazards. 


3. Fortify the nation’s communities as part of the national recovery and Build Back  Better initiative through strategic investments that build quality jobs, center  environmental justice, and harness American innovation in clean energy and  advanced technologies.  


4. Research and prepare critical infrastructure, services, and stockpiles for climate  change and other emerging problems and stresses related to climate risk and public  health. 


5. Update and expand the “Guiding Principles for Federal Buildings,” and establish  minimum requirements for federally-supported buildings and infrastructure that  advance resilience, sustainability, and social and climate justice. 


6. Develop a contemporary decision-making fame-world for federal investments and  further update NEPA environmental review process.  


7. Create a “Future Visioning” Task Force to address communities threatened by  climate and human-caused displacement including sea level rise, wildfire, riverine  and coastal flooding, environmental degradation and pollution, civil unrest, etc. 


8. Create a Resilience Finance Committee to develop and support innovative finance  and investment tools, funds, and incentives for a range of funders and investors by  drawing upon private and public investments to support and accelerate  programmatic technical, and physical upgrades.  


9. Expand and align successful federal programs to accelerate holistic mitigation and  adaptation improvements in homes, buildings, and infrastructure.  


10. Develop a coordinated and integrated investment grade digital platform that  provides critical information to inform policy and development in a clear and  accessible way and include fundamental research on future hazards, risks, and  vulnerabilities informed by best in class science.  

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