Plaza Extra East Offers Lowest Prices in St. Croix According to DLCA’s November Survey, The Market Leads in St. Thomas

DLCA’s Nov. 2024 Market Basket Survey reveals Plaza Extra as the most affordable option on St. Croix, with The Market leading in St. Thomas and Pine Peace Mini Mart offering the lowest prices on St. John, helping consumers make informed shopping decisions

  • Staff Consortium
  • December 10, 2024

Plaza Extra East. Photo Credit: ERNICE GILBERT, V.I. CONSORTIUM

The V.I. Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs has released the findings of its November 2024 Market Basket Survey, which helps consumers identify the most cost-effective stores for staple grocery items. The survey compared prices across supermarkets in St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John, giving residents valuable insights for making informed shopping decisions.

St. Croix Results

Plaza Extra emerged as the most affordable grocery store on St. Croix. The survey showed that Plaza Extra’s market basket, which included 66 staple items, cost a total of $363.54. Other stores reported higher totals:

  • The Market: $380.23
  • Pueblo (Golden Rock): $405.31
  • Pueblo (La Reine): $402.41
  • Stop and Shop Supermarket: $392.72

St. Thomas Results

In St. Thomas, The Market offered the lowest market basket cost at $205.28 for 40 items. Other supermarkets followed closely behind:

  • Pueblo (Long Bay): $205.47
  • Pueblo (Subbase): $208.08
  • Food Center: $239.70

St. John Results

For St. John shoppers, Pine Peace Mini Mart had the lowest total at $50.42 for 8 items. The other stores surveyed were:

  • Starfish Market: $52.62
  • St. John Market: $68.60


DLCA Commissioner H. Nathalie Hodge encouraged consumers to use the survey findings to make informed decisions and maximize their grocery budgets. “This survey helps consumers identify which stores offer the best prices for staple grocery items, regardless of the brand,” she stated.

Residents with questions about the survey or consumer-related issues can reach out to the DLCA’s Consumer Affairs Division. Contact numbers are (340) 713-3522 for St. Croix, (340) 714-3522 for St. Thomas, and (340) 727-3303 for St. John. Queries can also be emailed to [email protected].

The Market Basket Survey is conducted regularly by the DLCA to help Virgin Islanders make economical shopping choices by comparing identical items across various grocery stores. 

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