bvi government



Gittens Introduces Bill to Establish V.I. Commission of Ethics & Conflicts of Interest

  • Staff Consortium
  • July 17, 2024

Senate Majority Leader Kenneth Gittens is set to introduce a bill aimed at addressing corruption and holding public officials and employees accountable when the Committee on Rules and Judiciary meets on Thursday, Mr. Gittens's office announced Wednesday. Bill 35-0227, which establishes the V.I. Commission of Ethics & Conflicts of Interest, will provide guidelines for the commission members and the hiring of staff. This bill will be heard alongside its companion bill, 35-0228, which includes three key components. Mr. Gittens explained that the primary aim of the bill is to reduce the role of the V.I. Attorney General’s Office in overseeing ethics and conflict of interest laws. Instead, the office will work in conjunction with the Commission on Ethics & Conflicts of Interest to enforce these laws, particularly when criminal activity is suspected. According to the senator, the bill will also establish procedures for investigating, enforcing, and appealing ethical and conflict of intere...
