PSC Pushes for Ratepayer Savings, Holds LEAC Rates Steady Through March 2025
- Janeka Simon
- December 11, 2024
At Tuesday's meeting of the Public Services Commission, it was agreed that current Levelized Energy Adjustment Clause rates would remain at their current level until at least March 2025. However, PSC commissioners have required monthly reports as WAPA continues to move towards reducing its costs for energy generation. A report from PSC consultant Jamshed Madden indicated that while “it is possible” that the much-touted efficient Wartsila generators would be fully operational by January 2025, the request to maintain the LEAC at current levels for the entire first quarter of the year suggests that the four generators will not be in service until March. “Staff does not believe that this is a reasonable assumption, given that the four new units are already producing power,” Mr. Madden said. Due to several additional factors, including incentives provided under the contractual agreement for Wartsila to complete the commissioning of the generators by this month, “the four new units should...