VITEMA to Start Distribution of Atlantic Hurricane Tracking Maps Beginning Friday

  • Staff Consortium
  • September 10, 2020

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The Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency said Thursday it will begin distributing free Hurricane Tracking Maps for use by the general public beginning Friday on all three islands. VITEMA said 2020 marks the 10th year it has provided this service.

The agency said these paper maps are an excellent tracking tool to monitor approaching storm systems and their proximity to the U.S. Virgin Islands. VITEMA it will provide daily updates on the location of a storm via multiple social media platforms, via VI Alerts, as well as the VITEMA website

In both districts, the hurricane tracking maps are available at the following locations:

  • Plaza Extra
  • Pueblo
  • Cost-u-Less
  • Home Depot Office Max


St. Thomas

  • Gottelib Serve Station
  • Sea Chest
  • Food Center
  • Sparrow (Red Hook)
  • Gasworks Gas Station (Red Hook) E & M Grocery (Northside)


St. Croix

  • One Love Gas Station (3 locations - Frederiksted/Princess/East)
  • Consumer Service Station (Mid-island) Quik Serve Gas Station (Mid-island) Sion Farm Service Station (East)
  • J & W Grocery (Richmond) Seaside Grocery (East) Stop & Shop (Frederiksted)


St. John

  • Starfish Market (Cruz Bay) Dolphin Market (Coral Bay)
  • E & C Service Station (Cruz Bay)
  •  Pine Peace Market (Cruz Bay)




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