WAPA CEO Granted Increased Spending Authority of $5 Million Amid St. Croix Water Crisis

Board Emphasizes Prudent Management and Reporting

  • Staff Consortium
  • October 30, 2023


Amid the St. Croix water quality crisis, the V.I. Water and Power Authority Governing Board on Monday increased WAPA CEO Andrew Smith's spending limit from $750,000 to $5 million.

This increased in spending authority will remain effective until March 31, 2024, and is exclusively earmarked for the water quality crisis interventions on St. Croix, WAPA said in a release.

As a condition of this increased spending authority, Smith is mandated to submit weekly expenditure reports to the board, offering transparency and accountability for every dollar spent, according to WAPA. The governing board retains the right to adjust the duration and specifications of this emergency increased funding as circumstances dictate, according to the release.

The allocated $5 million will be channeled towards a diverse range of emergency response actions, including:

  1. Infrastructure Repair and Replacement
  2. Personnel and Labor Costs
  3. Water Quality Testing and Analysis
  4. Emergency Communications and Public Awareness Initiatives
  5. Logistics and Transportation
  6. Urgent Procurement of Essential Supplies
  7. Environmental Impact Mitigation
  8. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

In an official statement, Governing Board Chairman, Kyle Fleming, underscored the board's unanimous commitment to swift and effective action. “The Board recognizes the financial expediency and nimbleness required to address this emergency. We want to make sure there aren’t any hindrances to WAPA’s Leadership team's ability to make critical decisions in a timely manner."

Fleming further emphasized the board's expectations for fiscal prudence and transparency, adding, "All expenses within this delegation are thoroughly documented and reported to the Board for oversight and accountability."

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