Woman Allegedly Injures Boyfriend During Assault Using Cellphone

  • Nisha Charles
  • November 01, 2022


ST. THOMAS — A woman who allegedly assaulted her boyfriend with a cellphone appeared before a judge in the V.I. Superior Court on Monday to face charges.

Santa Carmona was arrested and charged on Saturday with simple assault as an act of domestic violence. 

According to the probable cause fact sheet, police made contact with the alleged victim, who stated that his girlfriend, Santa Carmona had assaulted him. He told police he was lying on a bed using his cellphone when Carmona started an argument with him. According to the complainant, Carmona commanded him to get off the bed and then struck him with her cellphone to the back of his head. The alleged victim sustained a laceration to the back of his head as a result of the assault, according to court documents.

The complainant contacted police and the officers made contact with Carmona. The suspect, who was standing on the roadway adjacent to her home, told police that the alleged victim willfully struck his head on the wall in the house and injured himself. However, according to documents before the court, Carmona had asked the victim not allow police to arrest her and as a condition promised to never assault him again.

In court on Monday, a judge ruled that Carmona be allowed to post bail as an unsecured bond of $1,000. She is barred from leaving the St. Thomas-St. John district without the court’s written permission, and must remain gainfully employed. She must report to the Office of Probation twice a week and is to have no contact, directly or indirectly with the complainant.

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