trinidad health



Legislature Hears of Severe Staffing Shortages at JFL as Budget Request Unveiled

  • Nelcia Charlemagne
  • July 27, 2024

Hazel Philbert, interim chief executive officer at the Juan F. Luis Hospital on St. Croix, described the hospital's FY2025 budget request as “conservative” when she appeared before the Senate Committee on Budget, Appropriations and Finance on Friday. The facility’s management has asked the Legislature to approve an appropriation of $31,250,000, part of a total budget of $88,116,899 based on revenue and expenses. A significant portion of the proposed budget will be earmarked for human resources and operations. Though JFL currently boasts 508 full-time employees, audits regularly report a “lack of staff.” Among the healthcare facility’s many vacancies is a need for a dietician, 3 ultrasound technicians, a certified surgical, a technician as well as over 30 nursing staff including a head nurse and a registered nurse. In a startling update, Ms. Philbert indicated that there are only 3 emergency room doctors on staff — insufficient for round-the-clock operations. A more appropriate complem...
