In the Spotlight: USVI's Bria James at Miss Supranational 2024 in Poland - Our In-Depth Q&A

An intimate look at Bria James's journey, experiences, and aspirations as she represents the USVI on the global stage

  • Ernice Gilbert
  • June 25, 2024

Collage of Bria James's experience in Poland ahead of the 2024 Miss Supranational pageant competition.

Bria James, the representative of the U.S. Virgin Islands, is set to compete in the prestigious Miss Supranational 2024 pageant, scheduled for July 6 in Nowy Sacz, Lesser Poland. The event will see Andrea Aguilera of Ecuador crowning her successor at the Parku Strzeleckim Amphitheater at 8:00 p.m.

Since arriving in Poland on June 17, the contestants, including Ms. James, have been actively participating in a series of beneficial workshops. The pageant, highly regarded worldwide, is known for its meticulous schedule of events leading up to the grand finale. These events have engrossed the contestants, who continuously rave about their experiences.

In an in-depth interview with V.I. Consortium, Ms. James, whose celebrating her 27th birthday today, shared insights into her journey and experiences thus far:

Q: How’s the experience so far?

Bria James: "The experience has been incredible! Meeting new people, exploring Poland's rich history and culture, and participating in the events has been truly enriching. The hospitality here is wonderful, and I feel very welcomed. So far, during my first week in Poland, I've had the opportunity to meet Ludomir Handzel, the president of Nowy Sacz, gaining valuable insights into local governance. I also explored the Wieliczka Salt Mine, marveling at its intricate underground chambers and salt-carved sculptures. Visiting Wawel Castle allowed me to immerse myself in centuries of royal history, while shopping at Bonarka Mall provided a modern and enjoyable experience. Additionally, I attended a Sasakawa health workshop from Tokyo, expanding my knowledge of global health initiatives. To cap off the week, I had a fantastic time at Jaworzyna Mountains Resort, enjoying the scenic beauty and recreational activities it offers."

Bria James (Courtesy Miss Supranational U.S. Virgin Islands)

Q: How would you rate this pageant? Tell us why.

Bria James: "I would rate this pageant very highly. It's well-organized, with a great mix of activities that showcase both the contestants and the beauty of Poland. The support from the organizers and the camaraderie among the contestants make it a memorable and positive experience."

Q: What do you hope to achieve while in Poland?

Bria James: "While in Poland, I hope to promote the US Virgin Islands (USVI) as a vibrant and beautiful destination, make lasting connections with fellow contestants and organizers, and grow personally and professionally through the various challenges and experiences the pageant offers. My passion which is my platform, Shining with STEAM is also important for me to promote. My platform, 'Shining with STEAM,' aims to inspire and empower youth through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics."

Q: Have you gotten opportunities to promote the USVI in Poland? If yes, what feedback have you received?

Bria James: "Yes, I have had several opportunities to promote the USVI. We have various workshops and I aim to get the USVI promoted every opportunity I can. The feedback has been very positive. People are curious and interested in learning more about the USVI, its culture, and its natural beauty. Many have expressed a desire to visit, which is fantastic!"

Bria James and pageant sisters in Poland (Credit: Miss Supranational USVI)

Q: Give all details about the pageant, including event dates as well as actual show date and time.

Bria James: "The pageant includes several key events:

  • June 29, 2024: Supra Top Model
  • July 1, 2024: Preliminaries
  • July 3, 2024: National Costume
  • July 6, 2024: Final night of the show starting at 8:00 p.m. at the Parku Strzeleckim Amphitheater in Nowy Sacz"

Q: How would you rate this experience?

Bria James: "I would rate this experience as exceptional. It has been a perfect blend of fun, learning, and personal growth. Every aspect, from the events to the interactions with other contestants, has been rewarding. My roommate, Sectra, is from Nigeria, and she has made my experience even better, I am so grateful to her."

Q: Would you do it again?

Bria James: "Absolutely! Given the opportunity, I would participate again. The friendships, the exposure, and the overall experience are worth every moment."

Q: Though the journey continues, what advice would you give to someone seeking to participate in international pageants?

Bria James: "My advice would be to embrace every moment and stay true to yourself. Preparation is key, so invest time in understanding the culture and expectations of the pageant. Also, be open to learning and making new connections. Confidence and a positive attitude will take you far."

Q: After this, what’s next for Bria?

Bria James: "It’s a surprise! But great things are in store."

Q: Describe yourself.

Bria James: "Honestly, I'm easy-going and empathetic, always ready to help others whenever I can. I love going on adventures and exploring new places, soaking up different cultures along the way."

Bria James (Courtesy Miss Supranational U.S. Virgin Islands)

The Miss Supranational pageant, organized by Nowa Scena, is considered one of the top international beauty pageants, known for its high standards in television production, stage design, and entertainment. The event has been held annually in Poland since 2009 and has grown to become a significant cultural phenomenon globally.

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