
In the ...

In the Spotlight: USVI's Bria James at Miss Supranational 2024 in Poland - Our In-Depth Q&A

  • Ernice Gilbert
  • June 25, 2024

Bria James, the representative of the U.S. Virgin Islands, is set to compete in the prestigious Miss Supranational 2024 pageant, scheduled for July 6 in Nowy Sacz, Lesser Poland. The event will see Andrea Aguilera of Ecuador crowning her successor at the Parku Strzeleckim Amphitheater at 8:00 p.m. Since arriving in Poland on June 17, the contestants, including Ms. James, have been actively participating in a series of beneficial workshops. The pageant, highly regarded worldwide, is known for its meticulous schedule of events leading up to the grand finale. These events have engrossed the contestants, who continuously rave about their experiences. In an in-depth interview with V.I. Consortium, Ms. James, whose celebrating her 27th birthday today, shared insights into her journey and experiences thus far: Q: How’s the experience so far? Bria James: "The experience has been incredible! Meeting new people, exploring Poland's rich history and culture, and participating in the events ha...
