Clarifying UVI's Covid-19 Policy: The Consortium Addresses Misunderstandings in Previous Reporting

  • Staff Consortium
  • April 14, 2023


On April 13, 2023 the Consortium published reporting that, while factually accurate, was written in a way that could leave members of the public with an incorrect understanding of the current University of the Virgin Islands’ (UVI) policy regarding Covid-19. 

We strive to always ensure that accurate information is disseminated to our readership, so let us state that policy unambiguously. 

UVI requires a suite of vaccines for students living in on-campus residence halls. Inoculation against COVID-19 has now been included in the list of required vaccinations. Students who do not wish to live on campus do not have either vaccination or testing requirements to access in-person classes. 

Regarding the now-pulled report which was deemed problematic, inquiries revealed that the reporter did not adequately contextualize the information they had been able to find, resulting in unsupported implications being made in the writing. 

The Consortium deeply regrets any misunderstanding that may have arisen as a result of the piece, and wishes to assure our readers and the general public of our steadfast commitment to fair, incisive and accurate reporting on all matters in the public interest.

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