

Governor Bryan Urges Support for Local Institutions Amid Closure of St. Croix Avis

  • Nelcia Charlemagne
  • January 10, 2024

Lamenting the announcement of the closure of the St. Croix Avis, Governor Albert Byran warned that other institutions may suffer a similar fate if they do not receive the public’s support.  Mr. Bryan, during the first press briefing of 2024, referred to the newspaper that served the people of the Virgin Islands for 180 years as “a part of our shared story.” The Avis, he said, is a “long-standing beacon of journalism in our community.” Institutions like the St. Croix Avis are “custodians of our history and culture,” remarked the governor.  Its untimely closure is “an opportunity for us to reaffirm our commitment to supporting local institutions that form the bedrock of our community,” he said. Governor Bryan acknowledged the public's sentiment over the closure of the popular newspaper, likening their reactions to the nostalgic feelings experienced when other beloved local institutions, such as Island Dairies and Brow Soda, ceased operations. “Let's not speak with our mouths," he decl...
