Members of Local Justice System To Feature in UVI Fireside Chat Recognizing 70th Anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education

UVI Commemorates 70th Anniversary of Brown vs. Board with Panel Discussion

  • Staff Consortium
  • April 10, 2024

On Wednesday morning, the University of the Virgin Islands’ College of Liberal Arts and Social Science will host a fireside chat to discuss the historic U.S. Supreme Court decision that led to the desegregation of public schools.

Known as Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, the matter arose when Oliver Brown and twelve other black families in Topeka Kansas filed a class-action lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Board’s policy of forcing black students to be bused to a segregated school further away than the white school closer to their homes. After a defeat in district court, the plaintiffs and their attorney – Thurgood Marshall, who at the time was chief counsel for the NAACP – took the matter to the Supreme Court, where they prevailed in a unanimous, 9-0 decision. 

Ahead of the decision’s May 17 anniversary, UVI in partnership with the U.S. District Court of the Virgin Islands “is honored to host this important event that provides an opportunity to reflect on the legacy of Brown versus Board of Education and its enduring relevance in today’s society,” said Kimarie Engerman, Dean of UVI’s College of Liberal Arts and Social Science (CLASS). “It is our hope that through open dialogue and critical examination, this Fireside Chat in observance of the 70th Anniversary of this historic case in U.S. history will foster a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding educational equality and inspire meaningful action towards a more just and inclusive future," Engerman added.

Panelists include U.S. Magistrate Judge Ruth Miller and Librarian Aesha Duval of the District Court of the Virgin Islands, as well as Tanisha Bailey-Roka, Chief Disciplinary Counsel of the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands. The event will be moderated by District Court Magistrate Judge Emile Henderson III with remarks shared by Dr. Engerman and Karen Brown, PhD, Dean of the UVI School of Education.

The public is invited to attend the free fireside chat, which will be held today from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m in the Evans Center Suite of UVI’s Albert A. Sheen campus on St. Croix.

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