
UVI Sum...

UVI Summer Bridge Graduates Honored in Ceremony

  • Janeka Simon
  • July 15, 2024

The latest cohort of students to successfully complete the University of the Virgin Islands’ Summer Bridge Program were celebrated in a graduation ceremony held on Friday.‌ “Congratulations on making it this far,” UVI’s Dean of Student Success Pamela Moolenaar-Wirsiy told the graduating students. “Y'all are future alums.’ The 5-week program, according to UVI, helps incoming freshmen “jump-start their college careers” by honing their skills in the areas of math, reading, and writing. Participants also learn techniques for success at college, including time management, effective study habits, and developing testing skills. “As a result, Summer Bridge students…will more likely forgo taking remedial, non-credit courses” when their first semester at university begins, UVI said. Moolenaar-Wirsiy encouraged the students to pursue their passions at UVI, even if those interests were not part of their registered course of study. Meanwhile, Provost and Vice-President of Academic Affairs Camill...
