

Attendees and Vendors Hope Virgin Islands Paté Festival – in its Second Year – is Here to Stay

  • Tsehai Alfred
  • June 24, 2024

Vendors and attendees alike touted the second-annual Virgin Islands Paté Festival as a huge success, as it drew a large multi-generational turnout and provided a range of culinary experiences and entertainment. Held on Saturday at the Agricultural Fair Grounds on St. Croix, the Paté Festival was hosted by SMT Enterprise and Laced Legacy. Live music from beloved Caribbean artists such as Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Nights, Deri, PUMPA, DJ Lips International, Deh Brand, Bootlegacy, and host MC Bogle, attracted throngs of attendees to the fairgrounds. Entertainment also included stilt-dancing from Moko Jumbies and attractions for children, including face painting and play castles. While the festival largely celebrated the paté, other food vendors also had the opportunity to showcase and sell their products. ‌Renita Johannes, baker and co-owner of Crucian Cake Queen said she appreciated the opportunity to pursue one of her post-retirement passions — selling her products and engaging ...
